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2004 Senate Election Results: Republicans Retained Control ✓

U.S. Senate elections were held for 34 U.S. Senate seats on November 2, 2004. Following the elections, Republicans retained control of the Senate after flipping seats in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and South Dakota. Democrats flipped seats in Colorado and Illinois.

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✓ 55

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Key race alerts

Florida U.S. Senate Election

✓ Mel Martinez (REP) won the Senate election in Florida, flipping the seat to Republicans.

Georgia U.S. Senate Election

✓ Johnny Isakson (REP) won the Senate election in Georgia, flipping the seat to Republicans.

South Carolina U.S. Senate Election

✓ Jim DeMint (REP) won the Senate election in South Carolina, flipping the seat to Republicans.

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All U.S. Senate Elections
​Alabama U.S. Senate Election

Richard Shelby (REP) ✓         
Votes: 1,242,200
Wayne Sowell (DEM)             
Votes: 595,018

Arkansas U.S. Senate Election
Blanche Lincoln.png

Blanche Lincoln (DEM) ✓       Votes: 580,973
Jim Holt (REP)          
Votes: 458,036

Connecticut U.S. Senate Election
Chris Dodd.png

Chris Dodd (DEM) ✓
Votes: 945,347
Jack Orchulli (REP)                
Votes: 457,749

Hawaii U.S. Senate Election
Daniel Inouye.png

Daniel Inouye (DEM) ✓           
Votes: 313,629
Campbell Cavasso (REP)      
Votes: 87,172

Indiana U.S. Senate Election
Evan Bayh.png

Evan Bayh (DEM) ✓ 
Votes: 1,496,976
Marvin Scott (REP)       
Votes: 903,913

Kentucky U.S. Senate Election
Jim Bunning.png

Jim Bunning (REP) ✓
Votes: 873,507
Daniel Mongiardo (DEM)      
Votes: 850,855

Missouri U.S. Senate Election
Kit Bond.png

Kit Bond (REP) ✓        
Votes: 1,518,089
Nancy Farmer (DEM)             
Votes: 1,158,261

New York U.S. Senate Election

Chuck Schumer (DEM) ✓         
Votes: 4,384,907
Howard Mills (REP)               
Votes: 1,625,069

Ohio U.S. Senate Election
George Voinovich.png

George Voinovich (REP) ✓     
Votes: 3,464,356
Eric Fingerhut (DEM)              
Votes: 1,961,171

Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Election
Arlen Specter.png

Arlen Specter (REP) ✓            
Votes: 2,925,080
Joe Hoeffel (DEM)    
Votes: 2,334,126

Utah U.S. Senate Election
Bob Bennett.jpg

Bob Bennett (REP) ✓                
Votes: 626,640
Paul Van Dam (DEM)             
Votes: 258,955

Wisconsin U.S. Senate Election
Russ Feingold.png

Russell Feingold (DEM) ✓          
Votes: 1,632,697
Tim Michels (REP)  
Votes: 1,301,183

Alaska U.S. Senate Election 

Lisa Murkowski (REP) ✓
Votes: 149,773
Tony Knowles (DEM)              
Votes: 140,424

California U.S. Senate Election
Barbara Boxer.png

Barbara Boxer (DEM) ✓
Votes: 6,955,728
Bill Jones (REP)        
Votes: 4,555,922

Florida U.S. Senate Election
Mel Martinez.png

Mel Martinez (REP) ✓             
Votes: 3,672,864
Betty Castor (DEM)                
Votes: 3,590,201

Idaho U.S. Senate Election

Mike Crapo (REP) ✓ 
Votes: 499,796
Scott McClure (DEM)       
Votes: 4,136

Iowa U.S. Senate Election
Chuck Grassley_edited.png

Chuck Grassley (REP) ✓          
Votes: 1,038,175
Arthur Small (DEM)                
Votes: 412,365

Louisiana U.S. Senate Election
David Vitter.png

David Vitter (REP) ✓
Votes: 943,014
Chris John (DEM)     
Votes: 542,150

Nevada U.S. Senate Election
Harry Reid.png

Harry Reid (DEM) ✓   
Votes: 494,805
Richard Ziser (REP)                
Votes: 284,640

North Carolina U.S. Senate Election

Richard Burr (REP) ✓
Votes: 1,791,450
Erskine Bowles (DEM)
Votes: 1,632,527

Oklahoma U.S. Senate Election
Tom Coburn.png

Tom Coburn (REP) ✓                 
Votes: 763,433
Brad Carson (DEM)                 
Votes: 596,750

South Carolina U.S. Senate Election
Jim DeMint.png

Jim DeMint (REP) ✓
Votes: 857,167
Inez Tenenbaum (DEM)        
Votes: 704,384

Vermont U.S. Senate Election

Patrick Leahy (DEM) ✓            
Votes: 216,972
John McMullen (REP)           
Votes: 75,398

Arizona U.S. Senate Election
John McCain.png

John McCain (REP) ✓             Votes: 1,505,372
Stuart Starky (DEM)               
Votes: 404,507

Colorado U.S. Senate Election
Ken Salazar.png

Ken Salazar (DEM) ✓ 
Votes: 1,081,188
Pete Coors (REP)     
Votes: 980,668

Georgia U.S. Senate Election
Johnny Isakson.png

Johnny Isakson (REP) ✓         Votes: 1,864,202
Denise Majette (DEM)          
Votes: 1,287,690

Illinois U.S. Senate Election
Barack Obama.png

Barack Obama (DEM) ✓            
Votes: 3,597,456
Alan Keyes (REP)    
Votes: 1,390,690

Kansas U.S. Senate Election
Sam Brownback.png

Sam Brownback (REP) ✓        
Votes: 780,863
Lee Jones (DEM)      
Votes: 310,337

Maryland U.S. Senate Election
Barbara Mikulski.png

Barbara Mikulski (DEM) ✓       
Votes: 1,504,691
E.J. Pipkin (REP)     
Votes: 783,055

New Hampshire U.S. Senate Election
Judd Gregg.png

Judd Gregg (REP) ✓  
Votes: 434,847
Doris Haddock (DEM)            
Votes: 221,549

North Dakota U.S. Senate Election
Byron Dorgan.png

Byron Dorgan (DEM) ✓             
Votes: 212,143
Mike Liffrig (REP)                
Votes: 98,553

Oregon U.S. Senate Election

Ron Wyden (DEM) ✓
Votes: 1,128,728
Al King (REP)            
Votes: 565,254

South Dakota U.S. Senate Election

John Thune (REP) ✓
Votes: 197,848
Tom Daschle (DEM)                
Votes: 193,340

Washington U.S. Senate Election

Patty Murray (DEM) ✓
Votes: 1,549,708
George Nethercutt (REP)
Votes: 1,204,584

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