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2024 Oregon 2nd Congressional District Democratic Primary Election Results

By FS Politics | 2024 U.S. House Primaries


The 2024 Oregon 2nd Congressional District Democratic Primary was held on May 21, 2024. Dan Ruby won the primary with 84.96% of the vote.

2024 Oregon 2nd Congressional District Democratic Primary Election Results


Dan Ruby ✓      

Percentage: 84.96%     

Votes: 33,585  


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 13.47%     

Votes: 5,325     



Percentage: 1.57%       

Votes: 620        


Total votes: 39,530


Results by county


Baker County  


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 80.72%     

Votes: 582        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 17.06%     

Votes: 123        



Percentage: 2.22%       

Votes: 16           


Total votes: 721


Clackamas County     


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             


Steve William Liable

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             



Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             


Total votes: 0


Crook County 


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 79.37%     

Votes: 1,089     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 18.08%     

Votes: 248        



Percentage: 2.55%       

Votes: 35           


Total votes: 1,372


Curry County


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             



Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0


Total votes: 0


Deschutes County      


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 85.21%     

Votes: 1,608     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 13.78%

Votes: 260        



Percentage: 1.01%       

Votes: 19


Total votes: 1,887


Douglas County            


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 74.69%     

Votes: 670        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 21.07%     

Votes: 189        



Percentage: 4.24%       

Votes: 38


Total votes: 897


Gilliam County              


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 72.92%     

Votes: 70           


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 26.04%     

Votes: 25           



Percentage: 1.04%       

Votes: 1


Total votes: 96


Grant County


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 77.39%     

Votes: 219        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 15.55%     

Votes: 44           



Percentage: 7.07%       

Votes: 20


Total votes: 283


Harney County


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 75.00%     

Votes: 189        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 14.68%     

Votes: 37           



Percentage: 10.32%     

Votes: 26           


Total votes: 252


Jackson County            


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 89.05%     

Votes: 15,999  


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 10.15%     

Votes: 1,824     



Percentage: 0.80%       

Votes: 143        


Total votes: 17,966


Jefferson County          


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 76.95%     

Votes: 818        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 20.79%     

Votes: 221        



Percentage: 2.26%       

Votes: 24


Total votes: 1,063


Josephine County        


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 84.81%     

Votes: 4,401     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 13.68%     

Votes: 710        



Percentage: 1.50%       

Votes: 78


Total votes: 5,189


Klamath County           


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 82.19%     

Votes: 2,326     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 15.65%     

Votes: 443        



Percentage: 2.16%

Votes: 61


Total votes: 2,830


Lake County    


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 78.83%     

Votes: 175        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 15.32%     

Votes: 34           



Percentage: 5.86%       

Votes: 13


Total votes: 222


Malheur County           


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 73.70%     

Votes: 440        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 23.79%     

Votes: 142        



Percentage: 2.51%       

Votes: 15           


Total votes: 597


Marion County              


Dan Ruby

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             


Steve William Liable

Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0             



Percentage: 0.00%

Votes: 0


Total votes: 0


Morrow County             


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 74.07%     

Votes: 180        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 21.40%     

Votes: 52           



Percentage: 4.53%       

Votes: 11           


Total votes: 243


Sherman County          


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 72.31%     

Votes: 47           


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 21.54%     

Votes: 14           



Percentage: 6.15%       

Votes: 4             


Total votes: 65


Umatilla County           


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 78.55%

Votes: 1,571     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 19.05%     

Votes: 381        



Percentage: 2.40%       

Votes: 48


Total votes: 2,000


Union County 


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 81.17%

Votes: 1,078     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 16.87%     

Votes: 224        



Percentage: 1.96%       

Votes: 26           


Total votes: 1,328


Wallowa County           


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 83.97%     

Votes: 503        


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 13.19%     

Votes: 79           



Percentage: 2.84%       

Votes: 17


Total votes: 599


Wasco County               


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 84.57%     

Votes: 1,568     


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 14.19%

Votes: 263        



Percentage: 1.24%       

Votes: 23           


Total votes: 1,854


Wheeler County


Dan Ruby          

Percentage: 78.79%     

Votes: 52           


Steve William Laible     

Percentage: 18.18%     

Votes: 12           



Percentage: 3.03%       

Votes: 2             


Total votes: 66


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