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2024 South Carolina 7th Congressional District Democratic Party Primary Election Results

By FS Politics | 2024 U.S. House Primaries


The 2024 South Carolina 7th Congressional District Democratic Party primary was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Mal Hyman won the Democratic Party primary. Please view the election results below.

2024 South Carolina 7th Congressional District Democratic Party Primary Election Results


Mal Hyman✓    

Percentage: 50.80%     

Votes: 12,617    


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 49.20%     

Votes: 12,218    


Total votes: 24,835


Results by county


Chesterfield County  


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 56.17%     

Votes: 378          


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 43.83%     

Votes: 295          


Total votes: 673


Darlington County      


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 68.46%     

Votes: 1,389       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 31.54%     

Votes: 640          


Total votes: 2,029


Dillon County  


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 44.55%     

Votes: 1,748       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 55.45%     

Votes: 2,176       


Total votes: 3,924


Florence County          


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 52.06%     

Votes: 2,502       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 47.94%     

Votes: 2,304       


Total votes: 4,806


Georgetown County   


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 59.46%     

Votes: 1,304       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 40.54%     

Votes: 889          


Total votes: 2,193


Horry County  


Mal Hyman

Percentage: 59.26%     

Votes: 2,023       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 40.74%     

Votes: 1,391       


Total votes: 3,414


Marion County              


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 47.33%     

Votes: 2,451       


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 52.67%     

Votes: 2,727       


Total votes: 5,178


Marlboro County         


Mal Hyman       

Percentage: 31.40%     

Votes: 822          


Daryl W. Scott   

Percentage: 68.60%     

Votes: 1,796       


Total votes: 2,618


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