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Colorado U.S. Senators

View a list of Colorado U.S. senators since 1876


Senator Henry M. Teller  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1876 - 1882          

Congress: 44th-47th


Senator Jerome B. Chaffee           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1876 - 1879          

Congress: 44th-45th


Senator Nathaniel P. Hill                

Party: Republican            

Term: 1879 - 1885          

Congress: 46th-48th


Senator George M. Chilcott          

Party: Republican            

Term: 1882 - 1883          

Congress: 47th


Senator Horace A. W. Tabor         

Party: Republican            

Term: 1883 - 1883          

Congress: 47th


Senator Thomas M. Bowen          

Party: Republican            

Term: 1883 - 1889          

Congress: 48th-50th


Senator Henry M. Teller  

Party: Republican, Silver Republican, Democratic 

Term: 1885 - 1909          

Congress: 49th-60th


Senator Edward O. Wolcott          

Party: Republican            

Term: 1889 - 1901          

Congress: 51st-56th


Senator Thomas M. Patterson     

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1901 - 1907          

Congress: 57th-59th


Senator Simon Guggenheim        

Party: Republican            

Term: 1907 - 1913          

Congress: 60th-62nd


Senator Charles J. Hughes Jr.       

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1909 - 1911          

Congress: 61st


Senator John F. Shafroth               

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1913 - 1919          

Congress: 63rd-65th


Senator Charles S. Thomas           

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1913 - 1921          

Congress: 62nd-66th


Senator Lawrence C. Phipps         

Party: Republican            

Term: 1919 - 1931          

Congress: 66th-71st


Senator Samuel D. Nicholson      

Party: Republican            

Term: 1921 - 1923          

Congress: 67th


Senator Alva B. Adams   

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1923 - 1924          

Congress: 67th-68th


Senator Rice W. Means  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1924 - 1927          

Congress: 68th-69th


Senator Charles W. Waterman    

Party: Republican            

Term: 1927 - 1932          

Congress: 70th-72nd


Senator Edward P. Costigan          

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1931 - 1937          

Congress: 72nd-74th


Senator Walter Walker   

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1932 - 1932          

Congress: 72nd


Senator Karl C. Schuyler  

Party: Republican             ‘

Term: 1932 - 1933          

Congress: 72nd


Senator Alva B. Adams   

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1933 - 1941          

Congress: 73rd-77th


Senator Edwin C. Johnson            

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1937 - 1955          

Congress: 75th-83rd


Senator Eugene D. Millikin           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1941 - 1957          

Congress: 77th-84th


Senator Gordon L. Allott 

Party: Republican            

Term: 1955 - 1973          

Congress: 84th-92nd


Senator John A. Carroll  

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1957 - 1963          

Congress: 85th-87th


Senator Peter H. Dominick           

Party: Republican            

Term: 1963 - 1975          

Congress: 88th-93rd


Senator Floyd K. Haskell 

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1973 - 1979          

Congress: 93rd-95th


Senator Gary W. Hart     

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1975 - 1987          

Congress: 94th-99th


Senator William L. Armstrong     

Party: Republican            

Term: 1979 - 1991          

Congress: 96th-101st


Senator Timothy E. Wirth             

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1987 - 1993          

Congress: 100th-102nd


Senator George Hanks (Hank) Brown       

Party: Republican            

Term: 1991 - 1997          

Congress: 102nd-104th


Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell            

Party: Democratic, Republican   

Term: 1993 - 2005          

Congress: 103rd-108th


Senator A. Wayne Allard               

Party: Republican            

Term: 1997 - 2009          

Congress: 105th-110th


Senator Kenneth L. Salazar           

Party: Democratic            

Term: 2005 - 2009          

Congress: 109th-111th


Senator Mark Udall         

Party: Democratic            

Term: 2009 - 2015          

Congress: 111th-113th


Senator Cory Gardner    

Party: Republican            

Term: 2015 - 2021          

Congress: 114th-116th


Senator Michael Bennet 

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2009 - Present      

Congress: 111th


Senator John Hickenlooper          

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2021 - Present      

Congress: 117th


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