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Delaware U.S. Senators

View a list of Delaware U.S. Senators since 1789


Senator George Read     

Party: Pro-Administration            

Term: 1789 - 1793          

Congress: 1st-3rd


Senator Richard Bassett 

Party: Anti-Administration, Pro-Administration   

Term: 1789 - 1793          

Congress: 1st-2nd


Senator John Vining       

Party: Pro-Administration, Federalist      

Term: 1793 - 1798          

Congress: 3rd-5th


Senator Henry Lattimer 

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1795 - 1801          

Congress: 3rd-6th


Senator Joshua Clayton 

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1798 - 1798          

Congress: 5th


Senator William H. Wells              

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1799 - 1804          

Congress: 5th-8th


Senator Samuel White   

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1801 - 1809          

Congress: 6th-11th


Senator James A. Bayard Sr.        

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1804 - 1813          

Congress: 8th-12th


Senator Outerbridge Horsey       

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1810 - 1821          

Congress: 11th-16th


Senator William H. Wells              

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1813 - 1817          

Congress: 13th-14th


Senator Nicholas VanDyke           

Party: Federalist               

Term: 1817 - 1826          

Congress: 15th-19th


Senator Caesar A. Rodney            

Party: Democratic-Republican    

Term: 1822 - 1823          

Congress: 17th-18th


Senator Thomas Clayton              

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1824 - 1827          

Congress: 18th-19th


Senator Daniel Rodney 

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1826 - 1827          

Congress: 19th


Senator Louis McLane   

Party: Jacksonian             

Term: 1827 - 1829          

Congress: 20th-21st


Senator Henry M. Ridgely            

Party: Jacksonian             

Term: 1827 - 1829          

Congress: 19th-20th


Senator John M. Clayton              

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1829 - 1836          

Congress: 21st-24th


Senator Arnold Naudain 

Party: National Republican          

Term: 1830 - 1836          

Congress: 21st-24th


Senator Richard H. Bayard           

Party: National Republican, Whig              

Term: 1836 - 1845          

Congress: 24th-28th


Senator Thomas Clayton              

Party: National Republican, Whig              

Term: 1837 - 1847          

Congress: 24th-29th


Senator John M. Clayton              

Party: Whig        

Term: 1845 - 1849          

Congress: 29th-30th


Senator Presley Spruance            

Party: Whig        

Term: 1847 - 1853          

Congress: 30th-32nd


Senator John Wales        

Party: Whig        

Term: 1849 - 1851          

Congress: 30th-31st


Senator James A. Bayard Jr.         

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1851 - 1864          

Congress: 32nd-38th


Senator John M. Clayton              

Party: Whig        

Term: 1853 - 1856          

Congress: 33rd-34th


Senator Joseph P. Comegys         

Party: Whig

Term: 1856 - 1857          

Congress: 34th


Senator Martin W. Bates               

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1857 - 1859          

Congress: 34th-35th


Senator Willard Saulsbury Sr.      

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1859 - 1871          

Congress: 36th-41st


Senator George R. Riddle              

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1864 - 1867          

Congress: 38th-40th


Senator James A. Bayard Jr.         

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1867 - 1869          

Congress: 40th


Senator Thomas F. Bayard Sr.      

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1869 - 1885          

Congress: 41st-49th


Senator Eli Saulsbury     

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1871 - 1889          

Congress: 42nd-50th


Senator George Gray      

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1885 - 1899          

Congress: 49th-55th


Senator Anthony Higgins              

Party: Republican            

Term: 1889 - 1895          

Congress: 51st-53rd


Senator Richard R. Kenney          

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1897 - 1901          

Congress: 54th-56th


Senator L. Heisler Ball    

Party: Republican            

Term: 1903 - 1905          

Congress: 57th-58th


Senator James F. Allee   

Party: Republican            

Term: 1903 - 1907          

Congress: 57th-59th


Senator Henry A. du Pont             

Party: Republican            

Term: 1906 - 1917          

Congress: 59th-64th


Senator Willard Saulsbury Jr.      

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1913 - 1919          

Congress: 63rd-65th


Senator Josiah O. Wolcott            

Party: Democratic            

Term: 1917 - 1921          

Congress: 65th-67th


Senator L. Heisler Ball    

Party: Republican            

Term: 1919 - 1925          

Congress: 66th-68th


Senator T. Coleman du Pont        

Party: Republican            

Term: 1921 - 1922          

Congress: 67th


Senator Thomas F. Bayard Jr.      

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1922 - 1929          

Congress: 67th-70th


Senator T. Coleman du Pont

Party: Republican            

Term: 1925 - 1928          

Congress: 69th-68th


Senator Daniel O. Hastings          

Party: Republican            

Term: 1928 - 1937          

Congress: 70th-74th


Senator John G. Townsend Jr.     

Party: Republican            

Term: 1929 - 1941          

Congress: 71st-76th


Senator James H. Hughes             

Party: Democratic

Term: 1937 - 1943          

Congress: 75th-77th


Senator James M. Tunnell            

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1941 - 1947          

Congress: 77th-79th


Senator C. Douglass Buck             

Party: Republican            

Term: 1943 - 1949          

Congress: 78th-80th


Senator John J. Willliams               

Party: Republican            

Term: 1947 - 1970          

Congress: 80th-91st


Senator J. Allen Frear Jr. 

Party: Democratic           

Term: 1949 - 1961          

Congress: 81st-86th


Senator J. Caleb Boggs  

Party: Republican            

Term: 1961 - 1973          

Congress: 87th-92nd


Senator William V. Roth Jr.           

Party: Republican

Term: 1971 - 2001          

Congress: 91st-106th


Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr.          

Party: Democratic

Term: 1973 - 2009          

Congress: 93rd-111th


Senator Edward E. Kaufman Jr.  

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2009 - 2010          

Congress: 111th


Senator Thomas R. Carper           

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2001        

Present Congress: 107th


Senator Christopher A. Coons    

Party: Democratic           

Term: 2010 - Present      

Congress: 111th


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