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South Carolina U.S. Senators

View a list of South Carolina U.S. Senators since 1789


Senator Pierce Butler

Party: Pro-Administration, Anti-Administration, Democratic-Republican

Term: 1789 -1796

Congress: 1st-4th

Senator Ralph Izard

Party: Pro-Administration

Term: 1789-1795

Congress: 1st-3rd

Senator Jacob Read

Party: Federalist

Term: 1795- 1801

Congress: 4th-6th

Senator John Hunter

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1796 - 1798

Congress: 4th-5th

Senator Charles Pinckney

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1798 - 1801

Congress: 5th-7th

Senator Thomas Sumter

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1801 - 1810

Congress: 7th-11th

Senator John Ewing Colhoun

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1801 - 1802

Congress: 7th

Senator Pierce Butler

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1802 - 1804

Congress: 7th-8th

Senator John Gaillard

Party: Democratic-Republican, Jacksonian

Term: 1804 - 1826

Congress: 8th-19th

Senator John Taylor

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1810 - 1816

Congress: 11th-14th

Senator William Smith

Party: Democratic-Republican

Term: 1816- 1823

Congress: 14th-17th

Senator Robert Young Hayne

Party: Jacksonian, Nullifier

Term: 1823 - 1832

Congress: 18th-23rd

Senator William Harper

Party: Jacksonian

Term: 1826- 1826

Congress: 19th

Senator William Smith

Party: Republican

Term: 1826 - 1831

Congress: 19th-21st

Senator Stephen D. Miller

Party: Nullifier

Term: 1831 - 1833

Congress: 22nd-23rd

Senator John C. Calhoun

Party: Nullifier, Democratic

Term: 1832 - 1843

Congress: 22nd-28th

Senator William C. Preston

Party: Nullifier, Whig

Term: 1833 - 1842

Congress: 23rd-27th

Senator George McDuffie

Party: Democratic

Term: 1842 - 1846

Congress: 27th-29th

Senator Daniel Elliott Huger

Party: Democratic

Term: 1843 - 1845

Congress: 28th-29th

Senator John C. Calhoun

Party: Democratic

Term: 1845 - 1850

Congress: 28th-32nd

Senator Andrew P. Butler

Party: Democratic

Term: 1846 - 1857

Congress: 29th-35th

Senator Franklin H. Elmore

Party: Democratic

Term: 1850 - 1850

Congress: 31st

Senator Robert W. Barnwell

Party: Democratic

Term: 1850 - 1850

Congress: 31st

Senator R. Barnwell Rhett

Party: Democratic

Term: 1850 - 1852

Congress: 31st-32nd

Senator William F. De Saussure

Party: Democratic

Term: 1852 - 1853

Congress: 32nd

Senator Josiah J. Evans

Party: Democratic

Term: 1853 - 1858

Congress: 33rd-35th

Senator James H. Hammond

Party: Democratic

Term: 1857 - 1860

Congress: 35th-36th

Senator Arthur P. Hayne

Party: Democratic

Term: 1858 - 1858

Congress: 35th

Senator James Chesnut Jr.

Party: Democratic

Term: 1858 - 1860

Congress: 35th-36th

Senator Thomas J. Robertson Jr.

Party: Republican

Term: 1868 - 1877

Congress: 40th-44th

Senator Frederick A. Sawyer

Party: Republican

Term: 1868 - 1873

Congress: 40th-42nd

Senator John J. Patterson

Party: Republican

Term: 1873 - 1879

Congress: 43rd-45th

Senator Matthew C. Butler

Party: Democratic

Term: 1877 - 1895

Congress: 45th-53rd

Senator Wade Hampton

Party: Democratic

Term: 1879 - 1891

Congress: 46th-51st

Senator John L. M. Irby

Party: Democratic

Term: 1891 - 1897

Congress: 52nd-54th

Senator Ben Tillman

Party: Democratic

Term: 1895 - 1918

Congress: 54th-65th

Senator Joseph H. Earle

Party: Democratic

Term: 1897 - 1897

Congress: 55th

Senator John L. McLaurin

Party: Democratic

Term: 1897 - 1903

Congress: 55th-57th

Senator Asbury C. Latimer

Party: Democratic

Term: 1903- 1908

Congress: 58th-60th

Senator Frank B. Gary

Party: Democratic

Term: 1908 - 1909

Congress: 60th

Senator Ellison D. Smith

Party: Democratic

Term: 1909 - 1944

Congress: 61st-78th

Senator Christie Benet

Party: Democratic

Term: 1918 - 1918

Congress: 65th

Senator William P. Pollock

Party: Democratic

Term: 1918 - 1919

Congress: 65th

Senator Nathaniel B. Dial

Party: Democratic

Term: 1919 - 1925

Congress: 66th-68th

Senator Coleman L. Blease

Party: Democratic

Term: 1925 - 1931

Congress: 69th-71st

Senator James F. Byrnes

Party: Democratic

Term: 1931 - 1941

Congress: 72nd-77th

Senator Alva M. Lumpkin

Party: Democratic

Term: 1941 - 1941

Congress: 77th

Senator Roger C. Peace

Party: Democratic

Term: 1941 - 1941

Congress: 77th

Senator Burnet R. Maybank

Party: Democratic

Term: 1941 - 1954

Congress: 77th

Senator Wilton E. Hall

Party: Democratic

Term: 1944 - 1945

Congress: 78th

Senator Olin D. T. Johnston

Party: Democratic

Term: 1945 - 1965

Congress: 79th-89th

Senator Charles E. Daniel

Party: Democratic

Term: 1954 - 1954

Congress: 83rd

Senator Strom Thurmond

Party: Democratic

Term: 1954 - 1956

Congress: 83rd-84th

Senator Thomas A. Wofford

Party: Democratic

Term: 1956 - 1956

Congress: 84th

Senator Strom Thurmond

Party: Republican

Term: 1956 - 2003

Congress: 85th-107th

Senator Donald S. Russell

Party: Democratic

Term: 1965 - 1966

Congress: 89th

Senator Ernest Hollings

Party: Democratic

Term: 1966 - 2005

Congress: 89th-108th

Senator James DeMint

Party: Republican

Term: 2005 - 2013

Congress: 109th-112th

Senator Lindsey Graham

Party: Republican

Term: 2003 - Present

Congress: 108th-Present

Senator Tim Scott

Party: Republican

Term: 2013 - Present

Congress: 112th-present


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