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Vice Presidents of the United States

Joe Biden.png

John Adams

1st Vice President of the United States

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Elbridge Gerry

5th Vice President of the United States

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Richard M. Johnson

9th Vice President of the United States

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William R. King

13th Vice President of the United States

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Schuyler Colfax

17th Vice President of the United States

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Thomas A. Hendricks

21st Vice President of the United States

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Theodore Roosevelt

25th Vice President of the United States

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Calvin Coolidge

29th Vice President of the United States

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Henry A. Wallace

33rd Vice President of the United States

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Lyndon B. Johnson

37th Vice President of the United States

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Nelson A. Rockefeller

41st Vice President of the United States

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Albert Gore

45th Vice President of the United States

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Kamala D. Harris

49th Vice President of the United States

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Thomas Jefferson

2nd Vice President of the United States

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Daniel D. Tompkins

6th Vice President of the United States

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John Tyler

10th Vice President of the United States

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John C. Breckinridge

14th Vice President of the United States

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Henry Wilson

18th Vice President of the United States

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Levi P. Morton

22nd Vice President of the United States

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Charles W. Fairbanks

26th Vice President of the United States

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Charles G. Dawes

30th Vice President of the United States

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Harry S. Truman

34th Vice President of the United States

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Hubert H. Humphrey

38th Vice President of the United States

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Walter F. Mondale

42nd Vice President of the United States

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Dick Cheney

46th Vice President of the United States

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Aaron Burr

3rd Vice President of the United States

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John C. Calhoun

7th Vice President of the United States

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George M. Dallas

11th Vice President of the United States

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Hannibal Hamlin

15th Vice President of the United States

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William A. Wheeler

19th Vice President of the United States

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Adlai E. Stevenson

23rd Vice President of the United States

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James S. Sherman

27th Vice President of the United States

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Charles Curtis

31st Vice President of the United States

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Alben W. Barkley

35th Vice President of the United States

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Spiro T. Agnew

39th Vice President of the United States

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George H.W. Bush

43rd Vice President of the United States

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Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

47th Vice President of the United States

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George Clinton

4th Vice President of the United States

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Martin Van Buren

8th Vice President of the United States

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Millard Fillmore

12th Vice President of the United States

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Andrew Johnson

16th Vice President of the United States

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Chester A. Arthur

20th Vice President of the United States

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Garret A. Hobart

24th Vice President of the United States

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Thomas R. Marshall

28th Vice President of the United States

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John N. Garner

32nd Vice President of the United States

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Richard M. Nixon

36th Vice President of the United States

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Gerald R. Ford

40th Vice President of the United States

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Dan Quayle

44th Vice President of the United States

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Michael Pence

48th Vice President of the United States

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